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Wave Characteristics

Wave-4 Characteristics
????????Often the most difficult wave to trade
????????Trend is still up
????????Extended range trading possible, and irregulars very common
????????Seen as buying opportunity.
????????Forms first support in head and shoulders neckline
????????Preferably, trend line drawn from start of wave bottom of wave-2 is not breached
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Wave Characteristics

Wave-3 and Behavioral Finance
????????Sentiment should be at highest level during this move
????????Forecasts should show revisions to extend earlier expectations
????????Recognition that this is a bull market is likely
????????While should be easy to get in, some will want to wait for a pull back to get a bargain, and they will miss the boat
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Wave Characteristics.
[Wave 2]
Correction of first leg of bull move.
Fundamentals still mostly negative.
Drop seen as resumption of bear trend.
But, volume weaker on drop.
In futures, open interest falls.
Most sentiment surveys still bearish.
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