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NoWay has taken 3rd place in Strategy Contest Jun 2024

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NoWay has taken 4th place in Strategy Contest Jun 2024

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June Strategy Results

i can see you guys in support releasing the results for live contest easy every week. and it's up to date now. can you please announce the June results for strategy contest now ? i mean we are in August for god sake! 2 months for results is way too much!
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dukfxx avatar
dukfxx 7 Авг.

I don't know what is the reason for all this delay in announcing strategy contest!!!!
Recent months it taken only 10 days to 2 weeks maximum.
And as mentioned above Live trading contest announced very fast week by week.
Please till us what's the problem to announce the results of June till now.

NoWay avatar
NoWay 7 Авг.

@dukfxx exactly man! i hope they answer with a valid reason not a sorry comment like they always do in their messages!
@communitysupport can you please answer when exactly the results will be announced ????????

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