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Little punk-bespectacled

Frankly, my parents had a wonderful sense of humor... My photo album never be boring for guests - I do not have pictures in style "cute baby"... all my photos look like a childhood little punk-bespectacled =)
I want to open a chain of children's funny photos! boys and girls, you'll have something to remember! you have unexpected funny photo?
this is my favorite photo, I think ima four years here (yes, I was a real beauty lol)
I really did not expect that the door will be open
photo made at visit…
翻译为 英语 显示原始
anna_t avatar
anna_t 1 5月

классс) какая ты прикольная малышка)) а у тебя уже нет проблем со зрением?

Swiss avatar
Swiss 3 5月

Haha so true dear, I also have such odd photos. I used to be embarrassed when younger. But now it makes me laugh :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 18 5月

You grown up a lot since then my dear :)))

edlim avatar
edlim 21 5月

like it!

foreignexchange avatar

great : )


"black side" of tea

We all know the benefits of tea, and a lot of the girls often write a blog about it. I decided to check "black side" of tea and that's what I found...
Do not drink tea on an empty stomach. In China since ancient times advised "not to drink tea on an empty heart," and doctors advise on an empty stomach to drink only water. Tea can harm the spleen.
Do not drink scalding tea. Long-term use of very hot tea can lead to changes in the stomach. According to foreign studies, frequent tea drinking temper…
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 1 5月

редко пью чай) зимой его обычно хочется, летом только что-то холодное

pipx avatar
pipx 1 5月

Doesn't tea also stain teeth?

driven avatar
driven 1 5月

Tea is a gateway to coffee, which is a gateway to speed, which is a gateway to cocaine, which is a gateway to crystal meth, which is a gateway to death. Avoid at all costs.

Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar

Yes. I do not drink black tea and coffee

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 18 5月 also has the same goodness :p...


I love my job! and you?

we often ask ourselves the question - "Am I on my place?"
I decided to open this issue by the test of psychologists who argue that these questions will allow you to learn more your attitude towards work and life path that you have chosen...
I collected seven signs of psychologists, eighth - I added by myself
(btw material issue - psychologists dont cling)
ready to listen to your additions =)
1 - you generally like to do what is your job
2 - you talk about your work during lunch and dinner
3 - y…
翻译为 英语 显示原始
verindur avatar
verindur 30 4月

My job loves me : ))

anna_t avatar
anna_t 1 5月

нет, моя работа, это не любимое дело) просто сама работа по себе хорошая. не напряжная, хороший коллектив и руководство)

arabck avatar
arabck 1 5月

@JockPippin :))) Ala.... Ala.... Ala......

Alexthebest avatar

verindur  and the "job" his names is Patrick :)) another insider in you, how many was up to date 50 ? but now you run for 500 - yea keep doing - your Bi**h status is fully extended. :))))))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 18 5月

