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Analysis on EUR/USD, Date: 3 September, 12:00 GMT

The Descending Triangle chart pattern imaging a clear bearish signal.
Currency Pair: EUR/USD.
Time Duration: 30th July- 3rd September.
Time Frame: 1day,1 week.
Price Forecast: 1.14520-1.18770.
Predict Trend: Bearish.
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GBP/USD Pair Analysis For August,2018.

The Falling Edge and the Inverse Cup & Handle chart pattern imaging a clear bullish signal.
This time for GBP/USD, the Support line is at 1.27738 and the resistance line is at 1.32687. Finally,
Currency Pair: GBP/USD.
Time Duration: 30th July- 3rd September.
Time Frame: 1day,1 week.
Price Forecast: 1.27738-1.32687.
Predict Trend: Bearish.
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Mirza_Ahmed avatar

Correction: The Falling Edge and the Inverse Cup & Handle chart pattern imaging a clear bearish signal.

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