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Fixing a Broken Relationship

Understand the Reasons Behind Breakup
To Resolve Any Issue, Understanding The Reasons Is Important. Without Knowing The Root Cause Relationship Issue Cannot Be Repaired. It Can Be A Past Reason Which Is Now Absent Or A Still Persisting Reason. Analyze Each Stages Of The Relationship And Find Out At Which Point What Has Gone Wrong.Once The Reasons Of The Break Up Are Realized, The Solution May be Easy.Figuring Out The Element That Lead To The Breakup Helps The Partners To Change It And Get Back I…
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What Not To Do While Fighting With Women

Women are sensitive and posses fragile emotional levels. What many men consider to be a joke may lead women to blasting expressions. Especially when they are angry or depressed, men need to be cautious to talk to them or even approach them. Dealing with an arguing or fighting woman is intimidating for most of the men. They wait to cling on to your most innocent jokes and the simplest expressions of humor. There are certain things a man should never tell a woman during the fight. What comes out s…
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Olga18375 avatar

Good article)

FxAsmat avatar
FxAsmat 2 déc

Thank You Olga18375 :)

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Love is Good For Your Heart

Love Is not just good for the emotional ticker, it is good for thing beating in your chest as well. Positive emotional sustenance, especially in the long-term, has been shown to reduce risk of angina, particularly in men. An american journal of medicine study, in which research data was collected for 10,000 men, cited that those who felt'loved and supported" by a partner had a reduced risk of angina, even in cases where there were other factors, such as advanced age of elevated blood pressure.
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