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Tattoos and Piercings...HOT??? My answer - Definitely NOT!!!!!

Hello dear friends and community members,
In this post I want to present you my point of view regarding tattoos and piercings, and as you can already guess from my post title I am definitely against having tattoos and piercings on my body!!! And now I will tell you why:
Let us start from piercing! First of all I must say that I am against both piercing and tattoos because of a very simple reason – I choose natural beauty and think that both tattoo and piercing cannot make you more beautiful or m…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Vasyakamushkin avatar

very interesting...

agddivisas avatar

better natural, no tattos and no piercing!

Likerty avatar
Likerty 1 Maj

My view is that any alien substance (ink, metal..) can't make a body/skin to feel, look better/hoter

yas avatar
yas 3 Maj

None compares to you. Feminine one (y)

alcatraz avatar

Fully agree with your statements. Natural is beauty.

lubZostaw komentarz

AM I EMOTIONAL ??? Undoubtedly YES :))))

Hello dear friends,

Finally I managed to start completing this task, which I liked from the first sight I will tell you why but a bit later, but first let me start my post by the following words....
" When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion" .
These words belong to Dale Carnegie, who , in my opinion, related these words especially to the female part of the globe And it is hard to disagree with him, because I myself think that …
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
yas avatar
yas 3 Maj

Great post! People should notice this and aware themselves that we are all emotional. Everybody's fighting for it. See... even a nation build based on it. And clearly one who respects others feeling should succeed. So don't worry be happy (y)

CriticalSection avatar

yup, don't worry be happy :) nice album by the way yas - it's mising the duckface selfie though :))

Delic avatar
Delic 6 Maj

End,end I like to dance:))

ronalex avatar
ronalex 22 Maj

Очень артистичная девушка, настоящая находка для принца на белом коне.

lubZostaw komentarz

Please Welcome - this is my lovely city YEREVAN!!!!

Hello my dear friends,
Today I want to present you my dearest and adorable hometown YEREVAN - the Capital of Armenia, in which I was born, grew up and live up to now!
To tell the truth this task is very pleasant but at the same time very difficult for me, because I really feel a huge responsibilty on myself because it is my hometown and many of you are going to get acquainted with it for the first time, so I have to do my best to present my city as good as I can.
Let us start and let me introduc…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Dinka avatar
Dinka 26 Kwi

Да да, так что милости просим, если понравилось :) Спасибо :)

CriticalSection avatar

Miss Dinka, wow! BRILLIANT POST and a great introduction to this attractive city :) Your night time walking photos are gorgeous (as usual -_-) and I hope to meet these interesting landmarks in person very soon.. Very well done, I enjoyed the whole thing! Another personal top 10 [blogging category] :)

khalidamassi avatar

very beautiful, I hope I can travel to it in my life

verindur avatar
verindur 29 Kwi

Ambassador of Armenia promoting tourism. I think Armenian Govt should hire you.

yas avatar
yas 3 Maj

Yerevan is nothing without you, Miss Dinka. Great presentation! I'm proud of you. And that's for sure (y)

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