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Sweet November

Good day to all! Now autumn outside the window, on the ground there is snow, the trees were left without leaves. At this time of year often overcomes depression and like whispers, cover yourself with a warm blanket and rest a bit, warm yourself up. Sometimes I think, why not? Then I bake an Apple pie, I love it, as it is easy to prepare and great with a Cup of coffee or cocoa with marshmallows. Anyone have any ways and secrets of making this cake? Personally, I prefer to add cinnamon and a littl…
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antoine avatar
antoine 15 Nov

No one liked this before me? Well, I'll take the whole pie including the apples, it looks delicious.

kseniya_malinovskaya avatar

Mmmm.... Apple pie! Sweet and delicious)

Brezhnyulia avatar

antoine thank you, dear!

Brezhnyulia avatar

kseniya_malinovskaya yes, it's very tasty!)

sharpsense avatar

one of my favrouite.sweets, even in the morning for breakfast

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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

When each of us there is a free day, we strive to spend time in the fresh air. What could be nicer than to feel under my feet the soft grass, feel the warm sun on my skin, to feed the birds in the Park. All that's comforting and gives reason a chance to forget about everyday worries.
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ak10 avatar
ak10 11 Nov


Debian avatar
Debian 13 Nov

Bueno, yo creo que también depende un poco del clima, pues en primavera-verano los días son más largos y cálidos y se puede sentir casi una alegría especial flotando en el aire, solo por dejar atrás el frío invierno con sus días cortos y lúgubres; aunque el verano tambien tiene momentos agobiantes cuando pasan los días, semanas... con el termómetro por encima de 40 grados. 

Brezhnyulia avatar

Debian En mi país tan alta la temperatura en verano no se dan, a menudo es muy cómodo! Y si que salimos de paseo, lo elegimos un día de buen clima.

Debian avatar
Debian 14 Nov

Ya imagino, que en los países que están más al norte de europa no hace tanto calor como aquí en el sur y que incluso en el verano a lo mejor hay días poco soleados; pero no sé si compensa el clima frío la mayor parte del año.

kseniya_malinovskaya avatar

It's a good idea!

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Find your Seat

If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you can't remember what she was wearing, so she was dressed perfectly. (Coco Chanel)
Dress makes any woman elegant and feminine, but charisma must come from the soul and heart. Nothing will decorate and complement your look as the glint in your eyes. But this gloss is usually out of happiness, so I can say that a happy woman is a beautiful woman.
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ak10 avatar
ak10 11 Nov


kseniya_malinovskaya avatar

Beautiful and magic!

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