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Bidza has taken 93rd place in Dukat Contest Oct - Dec 2016

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Bidza has taken 3rd place in Fundamental analysis Contest Oct 2016, week 4

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FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 30 Oct.

Congratulations on your first contest winning!

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 31 Oct.


Bidza avatar
Bidza 1 Nov.

Thank you guys

VictoriaVika avatar

Good! Congrats Brian :)

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USD/ZAR Bearish short term

SELL 2.000M USD/ZAR @ 14.33058, SL 14.43000 (980 pips), TP 14.22000 (1120 pips)Even with political uncertainty and fears of a downgrade to junk of South African bonds, the outlook for the Rand(ZAR) may be better in the short term, as investors sift through the news of likely Gordan prosecution and probabilities of the same.An issue that seems being politically managed for now.However the long term performance depends much more on political grand standings than on macroeconomic performance of the…
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