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EURJPY solid uptrend

Japanese Yen technical uptrend looks solid. Bulls have built on that base. The Japanese Yen is coming under renewed technical pressure against other currencies. Let us have a closer look at the weekly chart of the EURJPY pair which tells me personally to get invested LONG (term)
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

EURJPY Further Recovery

For existing longs off recent lows and potentially attractive spots for further recovery. Looking at the yen-crosses, a few of them are at resistance which offers a sign of caution. According to Yujiro Goto, Research Analyst at Nomura:
It appears our initial assessment that EUR’s reaction to Italian politics would be small was generally correct. Market focus is shifting to next week’s monetary policy meetings, where we expect the divergence between the ECB and BOJ to widen further. EUR/JPY has b
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

EURJPY Solid Technical Uptrend

Japanese Yen technical uptrend looks solid. Bulls have built on that base. The Japanese Yen is coming under renewed technical pressure against other currencies.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示