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EURo USD prediction.

Weekly uptrend finishng making new top this week after that monthly downtrend will continue till 1.3175 then we will have weekly bull with small gain for euro 1.3277 after that the bearish euro will hit the new bottom and will start bullish wave.
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CHF/JPY Long term analyze

My analyze:Bearish till 105-105.20 then we could see significant increase in buying power because of strong ressistance last month till 106.635 where last top ressistance will be met. After that i think the trend will revers and we will see new low somewhere around 102.480 till 1st september after that we will have uptrend till 105 and there will be consilidatio for longer term trade.
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Nadin5794 avatar

господи..и конкурсанток мисс ещё ругают за неаккуратность?))...

Arelay avatar
Arelay 6 Sie

i dont speak your language can you please translate to english :) thanks.

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