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Interest Rate Fear!!

BOC & SNB in spotlight for today... I am long on USDCHF & EURCHF...
SNB will not raise interest rate.
BOE will not raise rates too.
AUD job data is beating the eestimates MOM....
High AUD exchange rates can hurt GDP in long run as exports will suffer.
High NZD exchange rates will hurt dairy businesses.... Dairy production is doing fine in New Zealand...
Technically EUR will see upside today across the board..
Shorting CHF at any level will reward...
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Market Update!

Today's equity markets are flat during Asian & Euro sessions... Forex markets volumes were low in August and same is expected in September by Retail forex brokers...
Tmrw SNB interest rate meeting due for release. However, market is expecting SNB to keep rates unchanged till 2018 Q1.
Today crude oil inventory can cause some volatility in CAD, SEK, NOK...
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

GBP Economic Update

GBP: UK economic data has been better than expected over the past few months, and the market has become more sanguine about Brexit, although the risk of a slump in confidence does remain over the medium term. Medium term direction depends largely on whether the uncertainty from Brexit eventually causes a slowdown in activity.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示