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My vlog, channel

Hi guys,
If you remember me from last year, I said that really liked blogging and basically that's what I got out of the Miss Dukascopy contest.
So I started my own youtube channel and you can check it out here:
I also have cat videos:
So please check it out if you have time.
If you don't remember me...
Hi, My name's Neetu and I'm from Toronto…
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CriticalSection avatar

lol @ "if you don't remember me" :)) where the F have you been hiding missy miss??? Missed you loads xxx

Neetu avatar
Neetu 22 Sep

Thanks, better to keep in touch with me via youtube. I check there everyday. I wasn't hiding, just not into this contest and a bit busy with other things. Remember we talked about editing software? I got it! yay!

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Last Blog post

Congratulations to the top 10.
Thank you to the peope who supported me.
I will continue making videos on you tube and I think I will make my own blog.
I discovered a lot about myself through this process and I really like blogging. I think I found my voice in this forum.
I wanted to make a video for you guys but I got sick again. I teach kids and one kid came to school sick and coughed all over me so... I get sick a lot. Please treat teachers well. We go through a lot. lol.
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Ivetta avatar
Ivetta 1 Nov

Have a speedy and easy recovery, Neetu. I like your blog a lot :)

Neetu avatar
Neetu 1 Nov

Thank you.

jezz avatar
jezz 2 Nov

'I really like blogging' :D
I always wondered who these people are, don't they have better things to do? After I filtered what I like as topics, I can say - LIKE
And take care, tea, lemon, soup... you know the drill

cosma avatar
cosma 9 Mar

non vichingo è con te!

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Tokyo Disneyland (TDL)

The voting seems to still be going on so I'm gonna make some more posts.
Also, Japan should hire me as their official international what's cool in Japan tour guide. I'm really good at this. lol.
From mid Septemeber to Oct. 31 TDL celebrates Halloween. This park as well as Tokyo Disney Sea (TDS) is decorated and realy cool to see. If you love halloween, you should really go there on Halloween, or maybe the day before... it's not only for kids.
My friend was there yesterdy, I'm so jealous.
The fir…
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