
juraj registered for Daily Stock options

22 تشرين الاول

juraj registered for Trader

4 آب

juraj won a prize position in the Binary Contest

Congratulations, Juraj has finished 6th in the Binary Contest, 1st July, 2016 - 31st July, 2016, and won 300 USD.
3 آب

juraj wrote a comment in the Article Contest

I am finished here- the comment system is a piece of... limiting me to under 600 characters which makes it impossible to express my intricate arguments.

Take care, it was a nice talk to...
3 آب

juraj wrote a comment in the Article Contest

Fed was in no hurry to lift the accommodation  because core PCE was still well below 2%.

If ECB officials declined to cut rates and step up QE saying core inflation was still...
3 آب

juraj wrote a comment in the Article Contest

Ilolor- it does not matter what the CBs state on their website, important is what they actually DO and how they make their decision.

3 آب

juraj wrote a comment in the Article Contest


ECB is the only central bank that officially states they are targeting the headline number (they do it vaguely via...
2 آب

juraj wrote a comment in the Article Contest

Moreover if the inflation was low purely thanks to the oil prices we would see pickup in real growth rates and pickup in oil&distillates consumption, former never materialized and latter was too...
29 تموز

juraj wrote a comment in the Article Contest

it is not an assessment, you are just re-stating the well known facts/statistics... Then there are apparent mistakes, oil prices cannot explain the subdued prices. CBs are targeting core inflation...
29 تموز