
Fundamental Analysis Contest results for 2 week of January are announced.

Posted 23 Jan., 2017  in #Fundamental analysis
We have just published the results of the last week Fundamental Analysis contest. Please visit the Standings page to see who won.

Article Contest results for November are announced.

Posted 20 Jan., 2017  in #FX Article Contest
We have just published the results. Please visit the results page to see who won.

Miss Dukascopy 2016

Posted 19 Jan., 2017  in #Miss Dukascopy
“Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today”. Most people start a new life "tomorrow" еxcept a beautiful girl Mira from Rostov, who became the winner of the contest Miss Dukascopy 2016 and went to Geneva for a shopping tour of her dreams. Your destiny is in your hands. Do not wait, do not delay ... just believe in yourself, because Miss Dukascopy contest allows each girl to make her dreams come true.
“Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня”. Большинство начинают новую жизнь “завтра”. Кроме прекрасной девушки Миры, из Ростова, которая стала победительницей в конкурсе Miss Dukascopy 2016 и отправилась в Женеву на шоппинг мечты. Только от тебя зависит твоя судьба. Не жди, не откладывай… просто поверь в свои силы, ведь конкурс Miss Dukascopy дает возможность каждой девушке воплотить свою мечту.

Signal Provider results

Posted 18 Jan., 2017  in #Signal Provider
Hi traders,
Likerty from Lithuania again took the first position for the forth time in row in the 12-month nomination of Signal Provider Grand Prix contest in December 2016 with annual result of 1.778m USD in profit. The second place goes to NoWay, who managed to earn 1.108m USD of profit in the last 12-month period. MyiDEA has taken the third position with the result of 1.024m USD. Participants P22498 and premk closed top-5 signal providers with result of 0,808m USD and 0.769m USD respectively.
6-month nominations of Signal Provider winner list is the following: cyrus323 – first place with 1.229m USD, MyiDEA – second place with 0.737m USD, mynkk – third place with 0.454m USD, chainsaw – fourth place with 0.450m USD, nyarura – fifth place with 0.432m USD.
All the best for everyone in January 2017!
Community team

Trader Contest results for December are announced.

Posted 18 Jan., 2017  in #Trader
Hi traders,
lotiti from Germany, who managed to earn 246 points, has finished in the first place. He joined Community in February 2011, and has already won 6,650 USD of Dukascopy community prizes. User INFINITEisTHElimit finished in the second position with 260 points, and swodniw took the third position with 247 points. Congratulations to the top 3 winners as well as the other finalists!
While checking the preliminary December 2016 rankings, we found participant nyarura who did not conduct the 10 required trades during the contest month and therefore they were not included in the final standings.
We have also found unfair play in November 2016 Trader contest performed by the following group of users: CFDKing, abikhan, Sehribahlol, mumtazkhan, SikandarAzam, FXDON, ajmalakbar, salman, Ghani, rashidiqbal, ahmadnawaz, Nooooooooooor, sarfaraz, khattak, Tariqfx, guldar, izaty, PakistanKhan, Transporter, bilaljaved, Arsalan, SANAN, wasimkhattak, TechnicalAnalyst, akbar, ajmal. The following Rules clauses were broken:
• registration of persons that are directly or indirectly related to other Participant;
• various team tactics that include consolidation of Participants into a group with a purpose to get a statistical advantage on one of the accounts;
• trading in opposite directions within one or more accounts.
Taking into account that this is the second time, we have found unfair play from their side we took the decision to disqualify them from the final ranking and exclude them from participating in Dukascopy Community.
Meanwhile the prizes for the winners have already been credited!
All the best for everyone in January 2017!
Community team

December results of Strategy Contest

Posted 17 Jan., 2017  in #Strategy
Congratulations to the Winners of December Strategy Contest!
1 sircris
2 killer195175
3 Bluedragon
4 yousseff
5 spaima1976
6 MyiDEA
7 rainmaker
8 sankit
9 marss
10 vadaszhun
11 banz
12 pawansansanwal
13 xxtazzz
14 AAARated
15 vega2552
Good luck to all Participants.
Dukascopy Community Team.
