سوالات متداول

سوالات عمومی

Q: چه کسی واجد شرایط شرکت در مسابقات آزمایشی می باشد؟

پاسخ: مسابقات آزمایشی دوکاسکپی بروی هر شخصی که بالای هجده سال است باز می باشند،صرف نظر از اینکه او مشتری کنونی بانک دوکاسکپی نباشد

Q: آیا شرکت در مسابقه رایگان می باشد؟

پاسخ: بله،شرکت در مسابقه کاملا رایگان می باشد

Q: چه نوع کامنت ها و پستهایی در مسابقه ناپسند محسوب می شوند؟چرا بخاطر پستها از دوکاسکپی اخطار دریافت می کنم؟

پاسخ: Dukascopy Bank expects the comments to be sensible and meaningful. The comment should reflect the grounds or factors that drove the trader to effectuate the particular trade.

Senseless, run-around comments are not tolerated. Even though Dukascopy will not delete them unless they contain any sort of abuse, advertisement or any other kind of spam, the trader hasto be aware that a predominance or considerable share of ineligible comments will significantly decrease his odds to receive any extra bonus points when being analyzed by the Dukascopy evaluation committee (4th factor of the total score).

Examples of undesirable comments that will not be valued by Dukascopy when attributing theexpert score:

"Good", "Ok", "1.5697", "Buy", "Sell" etc.

Please see the Code of conduct for thecomments in the Dukascopy Forex Community.

Q: آیا می توانم بدون داشتن حساب روابط عمومی در مسابقات آزمایشی دوکاسکپی شرکت کنم؟

پاسخ: No, the 2-level registration system requires the participant to have a central Community account. A lot of contests functionalities are located at the Community level and in future the integration will be even more intensive.

Q: پس از ثبت نام در روابط عمومی ،چطور می توانم در مسابقات شرکت کنم؟

پاسخ: After having created a Dukascopy Community account you may register to any demo contest via one click.

During the 1st registration to one of the contests you will be asked to complement the account data with your contact details. This is done in order to ensure the completeness of your account and its eligibility to an eventual prize. Therefore, the data has to be true and correct. Awarded Live accounts are opened on its basis and according to the rules the prize can be canceled in case the real data of the prize claimant does not correspond to the one indicated in his contest account.

All further registrations do not require any additional information and are processed on a "one-click" basis.

LIVE contest account registration requires following of the instruction provided on the particular LIVE contest page.

Q: آیا من می توانم پیشنهاد اصلاحات برای قوانین مسابقه بکنم؟

پاسخ: Although we attentively process all incoming mails and draw valuable conclusions or insight from reasonable proposal, we affirm that the rules of the Traders contest were elaborated with thorough evaluation of all relevant factors and are balanced enough to cater for the aims of the contest. The point of the contest is to reward best performers. Participants should be aware that the rules are fixed and are to be accepted by the contestants in their present form.

However, Dukascopy admits that it collects the feedback from participants and takes it into account for further improvements.

Q: من هم اکنون یک حساب واقعی در دوکاسکپی دارم.اگر در پایان ماه من برنده شوم،چگونه جایزه من پرداخت می شود؟

پاسخ: In accordance with the rules Community prizes can only be credited to dedicated LIVE Prize accounts. LIVE Prize accounts can be credited only with prize money. Clients are not allowed crediting their own funds on this type of account. Please note that it is impossible to indicate any Introducing agents or register the prize accounts through Forex cashback services.

Q: من چطور می توانم یک مشکل را گزارش ویا با نمایندگان تیم روابط عمومی تماس بگیرم؟

پاسخ: For feedback, questions, or comments, please send an email