Pivot Point

This is pivot point based strategy working on 4 hour & 15 minutes with very small target. Main trend is based on 4 hour pivot point
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
6 01.09.2014 Executed  التحميل
5 01.09.2014 Comp. error  التحميل
2 01.09.2014 Comp. error  التحميل
1 01.09.2014 Comp. error This is pivot point based strategy working on 4 hour & 15 minutes with very small target. Main trend is based on 4 hour pivot point  التحميل
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(كلمات اساسية بخصوص التغييرات)

(على سبيل المثال: 1.1, بيتا, الفا)