TuQuynh02 (ver. 1.2) Not running

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تغير محصل الربخ و الخسارة

المدة المحددة: 01.02.2013 - 28.02.2013

Full Stats

Standings (نقاط): - (-)
اداء, $ (نقاط): 0,00K$ (-)
Drawdown, % (نقاط): 0% (-)
Bonuses: 0
Average Profit Trade: 0,00K$
Average Loss Trade: 0$
عامل الربح: 0,00K
عدد الصفقات: -
حجم التداول المحقق: 0,00M$
Igord avatar
Igord 13 شباط

Hello, first of all i want to say thank you for the great strategy. I am using it on my demo account for awhile, and i would like to ask how i can change position size, because it is always using 100% leverage. I am new for programing and will appreciate if you can help me. Thank you.

us_copiosus avatar
us_copiosus 16 شباط

private double volume = 7;
here you can change the volume to whatever you wish

tuquynh avatar
tuquynh 16 شباط

i cant chenge . Its fixed . Thank you

tuquynh avatar
tuquynh 16 شباط

Hi Igord , ( i would like to ask how i can change position size ) -> private double volume = 7;
. You change 7 = arbitrary amount . Thank you

Igord avatar
Igord 18 شباط

Thank you very much.

Igord avatar
Igord 18 شباط

Thank you very much.

Igord avatar
Igord 18 شباط

Thank you very much.

tinhvn avatar
tinhvn 26 شباط


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