Calculadora Forex

Forex Calculator

Dukascopy provides an extensive Forex/CFD Calculator to provide information regarding standard and weekend margin requirements, pip value, rollover value, and overall Profit and Loss (P&L) ratio. Using the Forex/CFD calculator is essential for risk and reward management, performance evaluation, and assurance of informed decision making.

The input parameters encompass the instrument, contract size, account currency, leverage, commissions, spread, and rollover policy. The tools are designed and built to help the trading community better understand the factors and variables that can affect their account balance and overall trading.

Descargo de Responsabilidad:
Tenga en cuenta que en ciertos días calendario, se deben aplicar varios swaps y, por lo tanto, su propio cálculo de los puntos swap aplicables puede diferir de los puntos swap cargados o acreditados en su cuenta. En caso de duda, comuníquese con el equipo de soporte técnico.


The Forex calculator is an essential and versatile tool for traders in the complex foreign exchange market. It allows traders to make informed decisions, by performing a range of calculations, such as determining pip values, margin requirements, and overnight interest rates, as well as helping to optimize position sizes and risk-reward ratios.

This tool is crucial in effective risk management, planning, and evaluating overall trade performance. From converting currencies to calculating profits and losses, the Forex calculator is a key asset for any trader seeking success in the ever-changing foreign exchange market.

To understand the basics of the Forex calculator, you need to know the main inputs involved in it. Let’s uncover some of them that the Dukascopy Forex calculator entails.

  1. Account Leverage

    Leverage determines the ability to control a larger position size with a smaller amount of capital. It is expressed as a ratio (e.g., 50:1), indicating how much larger the trade size is compared to the margin.

  2. Rollover

    The net interest return on a trader's overnight currency position is known as the rollover rate in forex. In other words, an investor borrows one currency to purchase another when trading currencies. The rollover rate is the interest gained or paid for keeping the investment overnight.

  3. Trading Instrument

    This indicates the specific currency pair or financial instrument you are trading. Different instruments have varying characteristics, including volatility and liquidity.

  4. Trading Commissions

    Trading commissions are fees charged by brokers for the execution of trades. They may affect the total cost of trade and might be constant or variable.

  5. Equity

    Equity is the current value of the trading account. It is calculated as the sum of the account balance and any unrealized profits or losses from open positions.

  6. Net Deposit

    The total amount deposited or withdrawn from the trading account is represented by the net deposit. It helps to monitor the net inflow and outflow of funds.

  7. Traded Volume

    Traded volume refers to the size of the position you are trading, typically measured in lots. The volume, combined with leverage, determines the actual monetary value of the position.

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