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JForex4 Feature Requests
 Post subject: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Mon 07 Apr, 2014, 18:55 
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I think the improvements in JForex4 are excellent. I particularly like how you can right click and add/subtract components under properties. I have some suggestions for the JForex4 development team:

Instant Order
    a. Add a daily high / low price component in the properties.

    b. Allow a user to click on the little color boxes in Mode 1 -5 to change the colors.

Conditional Order
    a. Show on a chart the buy/sell price, stop loss (SL), take profit (TP). Currently it only shows when an Order is placed and I think it would be useful to see them as I am setting up an order.

    b. Add the ability to choose between a Dynamic and Fixed Trailing stop directly from the Conditional Order widget. A drop-down box that allows one to choose would be ideal.

    c. Show me my potential profit and loss based on my SL and TP amounts as I am setting up an order. Perhaps this could be inserted above the submit button.

    d. Add a check box that allows the user to enter the SL and TP in Pips (currently that appears to be only possible if I check the Trail check box).

    e. Provide me with the price per pip and used margin. Perhaps directly below the Amount area.

P.S. Why does the Trail check box automatically change everything to Points? I think it would be better if the program provided the user with the options as I noted above.

    a. the select all in the Preferences does not appear to be working.

    b. Please consider adding the following column options:
    i. spread
    ii. rollover Sell
    iii. rollover Buy
    iv. pip Cost
    v. margin Requirement

I really like all of the additional information that you now allow a trader to see in the position widget.

    a. The select all in the Preferences does not appear to be working.

    b. Allow one to:
    i. view the information in Pips (i.e. SL, TP, etc)
    ii. edit SL and PL in Pips or price.
    iii. to place a trailing SL when editing the SL.



 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Wed 09 Apr, 2014, 17:07 
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Thank you for your feedback.

Most of the features from the list have been registered already.

Trading4Pips wrote:
    a. the select all in the Preferences does not appear to be working.

It is. Most probably you are adding a column named "Select all" in the properties of the widget. After this is done, you need to check the checkbox in the column in order to select all rows.

Trading4Pips wrote:
b. Please consider adding the following column options:

    iv. pip Cost
    v. margin Requirement

These are amount dependent values. I do not think that is a good idea. We better show this in Conditional order where the amount is set already or in positions widget.
We have margin required in Position summary already.

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Thu 10 Apr, 2014, 18:08 
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Thank you for your comments, it's great to hear that most of the features I noted were already registered on the list.

I have additional feature requests for the development team to consider, if they are not already on the list:

    a. Add the ability to group charts in a tab. Or possibly allow a window to be inserted as a tab.

    b. Allowing the user to separate widgets/charts. I love the flexibility of adding multiple charts to a window. The issue I have is that sometimes when the edges of charts align, they "lock" in a vertical or horizontal line and resizing one chart resizes the other chart(s). Please create a way that one can "decouple" charts and allow a user to resize individual charts (this go for all widgets).

    c. I think the linking function will be very useful. It would be nice to have more than three groups (9 - 12 would be perfect).

    d. Allow one to link more than one item at a time. This perhaps could be accomplished by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on a number of headers that you want to link and then choose link.

    e. Allow one to change their SL and/or PL by dragging and dropping the SL and PL on a chart to a new price.

    f. Allow for the auto-resizing of the bars within a chart. Perhaps by right clicking a chart and choosing "auto resize".

    g. Allow a user to highlight an area on a chart to zoom in on that area.

Windows / Template
    a. Provide the ability to "lock-in" a custom layout. For example, currently I can setup chart in a custom layout. However, when I Restore Down the Window (the button to the left of the close button in the top right corner), the program changes the layout of the Window. Furthermore, when I maximize the Window, the charts are not in the same layout as I placed them (the bigger charts are made smaller, while the smaller charts have extended further left then I had wanted).

    b. Provide the ability to make Windows a little more independent. For example, allow a user to choose a separate platform theme or font size for each Window / Template.

    c. When a Window is resized, have the widgets resize automatically in portion to how they are setup. The resizing appears to work to a point and then the resizing just covers up the Widgets.

Drawing Tools
    a. Expand the Hotkeys settings to allow one to assign drawing tools, fibonacci and even indicators to Hotkeys.

    b. Might it be possible to allow a user to set Presets on the drawing tools and the fibonacci tools like you now offer on the indicators? The new preset feature is one that I really like and think it is a great addition. For example, I like to place a number of differently colored fibonacci retracements on my chart. It would be really helpful if I could modify these on the charts with Presets.

    c. Allow a user to duplicate drawing tools. For example, I normally set all of my support lines in green and my resistance lines in red. It would be nice if I could duplicate the horizontal line and set one as green and one as red. (Currently I have to edit each line that I place on my chart).

    d. Allow one to continue to use a drawing tool until it is turned off. It would be great if I could turn on my green horizontal line tool and have the program continue to place a green line each time I clicked on the chart. (Currently it appears that I have to click on the drawing tool each time before I can put a drawing tool on the chart.)

    e. Allow the user to add drawing tools and indicators as menu buttons. Rather than always having to click on drop-down to choose a drawing tool or an indicator, it would be nice to assign the tool/indicator to a short-cut key and/or add it as a button on top of a chart (i.e. like the Price and Time Marker buttons).

    f. Add a Custom choice to the color menu of the Drawing Tools (like you have for the indicators).

Market Overview
I really like the enhancements to the Market Watch and the flexibility to change each Instant Order.
    a. It would be nice to have the ability to minimize each Instant Order. In other words, I don't necessarily want to delete the pair, but just minimize it.

    a. Allow one to copy indicators between charts by dragging and dropping the indicators (currently it appears that I can only drag and drop indicators from the Indicator Folder to a chart.)

The following are some general enhancements
    a. Allow one to expand a tab or widget to full screen by double clicking on the tab/header.

    b. Allow the user to change the order of the menu buttons over a chart and the menu with template manager, new template, etc.

    c. In a drop-down, allow one to search for a pair.

    d. If searching in a drop-down is not possible, could you set it up that we can jump to a pair by pressing the first letter of the pair? For example, if I am on EUR/USD and I want to go to USD/JPY, all I should have to do is continue to press "U" until I arrive at USD/JPY.

    e. Have the ability to minimize any widget.

    f. When the Small Icon with Text is chosen under Menu Design, please include the text as part of the button. Currently you have to press directly on the button.

    g. Standardize the ability to right click anywhere within a widget to bring up the context menu. This works well in the Instant Order and Conditional Order widgets, but nothing happens when you right click in the Market Depth or on a Chart.

    h. Allow one to open multiple workspaces.

    i. Please move the header minimize / maximize arrow. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have accidentally closed a widget because I have clicked the close button by accident as soon as the widget header opened up. Might it be possible to also make the arrow bigger or create an easier way to minimize and maximize the header?

Thanking for allowing me to provide my suggestions, I hope you find them useful.

All the best,


 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Wed 30 Apr, 2014, 17:21 
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Trading4Pips wrote:
a. Add the ability to group charts in a tab. Or possibly allow a window to be inserted as a tab.

This is possible already. More info about docking is provided here: https://www.dukascopy.com/wiki/#Widgets

Trading4Pips wrote:
b. Allowing the user to separate widgets/charts. I love the flexibility of adding multiple charts to a window. The issue I have is that sometimes when the edges of charts align, they "lock" in a vertical or horizontal line and resizing one chart resizes the other chart(s). Please create a way that one can "decouple" charts and allow a user to resize individual charts (this go for all widgets).

I doubt this would be useful as there would be an empty space between widgets then, if I understood you correctly.

Trading4Pips wrote:
c. I think the linking function will be very useful. It would be nice to have more than three groups (9 - 12 would be perfect).

Will do later.

Trading4Pips wrote:
d. Allow one to link more than one item at a time. This perhaps could be accomplished by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on a number of headers that you want to link and then choose link.

Good idea. Something similar can be done now if you open several widgets inside one container (Dock), double click on header to tab all of them, right click to open context menu and choose "Link all tabs"

Trading4Pips wrote:
e. Allow one to change their SL and/or PL by dragging and dropping the SL and PL on a chart to a new price.

Possible already if you double click the order line and then drag&drop it. However, one needs to confirm the level before the changes are being sent to server.

Trading4Pips wrote:
f. Allow for the auto-resizing of the bars within a chart. Perhaps by right clicking a chart and choosing "auto resize".

I did not understand this one. You can "lock" chart by the max/min price data by pressing a special button in the toolbar.

Trading4Pips wrote:
g. Allow a user to highlight an area on a chart to zoom in on that area.

It is possible with a special button "Zoom selection".

Trading4Pips wrote:
Windows / Template
    a. Provide the ability to "lock-in" a custom layout. For example, currently I can setup chart in a custom layout. However, when I Restore Down the Window (the button to the left of the close button in the top right corner), the program changes the layout of the Window. Furthermore, when I maximize the Window, the charts are not in the same layout as I placed them (the bigger charts are made smaller, while the smaller charts have extended further left then I had wanted).

Will do most probably.

Trading4Pips wrote:
b. Provide the ability to make Windows a little more independent. For example, allow a user to choose a separate platform theme or font size for each Window / Template.

Will not do with the global platform theme and font size. This would make the user interface too complex.
However, we believe this can be done on each widget level. Some widgets like "Instant order" have customizable size and colours in context menu properties already.

Trading4Pips wrote:
c. When a Window is resized, have the widgets resize automatically in portion to how they are setup. The resizing appears to work to a point and then the resizing just covers up the Widgets.

Will improve the resizing later.

Trading4Pips wrote:
Drawing Tools
    a. Expand the Hotkeys settings to allow one to assign drawing tools, fibonacci and even indicators to Hotkeys.

Indicators can be drag&dropped from favorites list in Navigator. Will try introducing hotkeys later.

Trading4Pips wrote:
b. Might it be possible to allow a user to set Presets on the drawing tools and the fibonacci tools like you now offer on the indicators? The new preset feature is one that I really like and think it is a great addition. For example, I like to place a number of differently colored fibonacci retracements on my chart. It would be really helpful if I could modify these on the charts with Presets.

It is possible with some objects like <i>Percent lines</i> and <i>Fibonacci retracements</i> already. Open context menu and choose "Edit levels".

Trading4Pips wrote:
c. Allow a user to duplicate drawing tools. For example, I normally set all of my support lines in green and my resistance lines in red. It would be nice if I could duplicate the horizontal line and set one as green and one as red. (Currently I have to edit each line that I place on my chart).

Double click to select the line and right click to open the conetext menu. Choose "clone". Will add Ctrl + drag&drop later.

Trading4Pips wrote:
d. Allow one to continue to use a drawing tool until it is turned off. It would be great if I could turn on my green horizontal line tool and have the program continue to place a green line each time I clicked on the chart. (Currently it appears that I have to click on the drawing tool each time before I can put a drawing tool on the chart.)

I do not know how to do that exactly as there are even more situations when user needs the object be drawn only once.

Trading4Pips wrote:
e. Allow the user to add drawing tools and indicators as menu buttons. Rather than always having to click on drop-down to choose a drawing tool or an indicator, it would be nice to assign the tool/indicator to a short-cut key and/or add it as a button on top of a chart (i.e. like the Price and Time Marker buttons).

Would be too many buttons.

Trading4Pips wrote:
f. Add a Custom choice to the color menu of the Drawing Tools (like you have for the indicators).

We have them already. Double click to select the object. Right click to open the menu.

Trading4Pips wrote:
Market Overview
I really like the enhancements to the Market Watch and the flexibility to change each Instant Order.
    a. It would be nice to have the ability to minimize each Instant Order. In other words, I don't necessarily want to delete the pair, but just minimize it.

Minimizing the widget inside the window sounds too complex. Use tabs instead maybe.

Trading4Pips wrote:
    a. Allow one to copy indicators between charts by dragging and dropping the indicators (currently it appears that I can only drag and drop indicators from the Indicator Folder to a chart.)

Will try.

Trading4Pips wrote:
[list]a. Allow one to expand a tab or widget to full screen by double clicking on the tab/header.

It is possible already inside the container (dock). Will add fullscreen mode for each of the widgets with F1 if selected or context menu.

Trading4Pips wrote:
b. Allow the user to change the order of the menu buttons over a chart and the menu with template manager, new template, etc.

Do not see it very useful.

Trading4Pips wrote:
c. In a drop-down, allow one to search for a pair.

d. If searching in a drop-down is not possible, could you set it up that we can jump to a pair by pressing the first letter of the pair? For example, if I am on EUR/USD and I want to go to USD/JPY, all I should have to do is continue to press "U" until I arrive at USD/JPY.

Grouped list of instruments and auto-complete is on the list of new features already.

Trading4Pips wrote:
e. Have the ability to minimize any widget.

Minimizing the widget inside the window sounds too complex. Use tabs instead maybe.

Trading4Pips wrote:
f. When the Small Icon with Text is chosen under Menu Design, please include the text as part of the button. Currently you have to press directly on the button.

I do not find this way of buttons layout very useful. Maybe we will get rid of that layout at some point.

Trading4Pips wrote:
g. Standardize the ability to right click anywhere within a widget to bring up the context menu. This works well in the Instant Order and Conditional Order widgets, but nothing happens when you right click in the Market Depth or on a Chart.

Will do where it is possible. Charts have several different kind of context menus already, for example.

Trading4Pips wrote:
h. Allow one to open multiple workspaces.

Workspace contains the account settings. Open other platform instance if you need that.
Opening several worskpace templates (layout of the widgets) in different windows (frames) is possible already.

Trading4Pips wrote:
i. Please move the header minimize / maximize arrow. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have accidentally closed a widget because I have clicked the close button by accident as soon as the widget header opened up. Might it be possible to also make the arrow bigger or create an easier way to minimize and maximize the header?

Done in 4.07. Widget header is shown as tab in case it is a single widget as well. It makes closing several tabs more convenient now.

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Fri 06 Jun, 2014, 13:03 
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@Platform Support - Could you describe how's work on Jforex4? When we can expect next version?

Trading4Pips wrote:

Conditional Order
    a. Show on a chart the buy/sell price, stop loss (SL), take profit (TP). Currently it only shows when an Order is placed and I think it would be useful to see them as I am setting up an order.

    b. Add the ability to choose between a Dynamic and Fixed Trailing stop directly from the Conditional Order widget. A drop-down box that allows one to choose would be ideal.

    c. Show me my potential profit and loss based on my SL and TP amounts as I am setting up an order. Perhaps this could be inserted above the submit button.

    d. Add a check box that allows the user to enter the SL and TP in Pips (currently that appears to be only possible if I check the Trail check box).


    b. Allow one to:
    i. view the information in Pips (i.e. SL, TP, etc)
    ii. edit SL and PL in Pips or price.
    iii. to place a trailing SL when editing the SL.

When we can expect those options?

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Wed 11 Jun, 2014, 05:12 
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I would love to have a line sync so when you draw a line in one window of the workspace it show's up in a different window with a different time frame etc..

LineSync indicator is more of a tool than an indicator. It has been developed to aid trading with multiple charts. For instance, when you manually draw support/resistance lines, trend lines, pivot points, or other key levels onto a chart; it’s often really useful to have these same levels and lines copied to a different chart, e.g. a lower timeframe chart of the same instrument. LineSync can do just that.


 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Wed 18 Jun, 2014, 07:17 
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Blank wrote:
When we can expect those options?

Expect some of them, but not so soon. Version 4.08 has been released.

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Wed 18 Jun, 2014, 07:21 
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rtsayers wrote:
I would love to have a line sync

This sounds useful. We will implement this in task DDSJFX-2184, but do not expect this soon.

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Sun 22 Jun, 2014, 01:32 
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The LineSync is available in JStore and on smartfx.eu website as a free plugin. It is called "Charts synchronizer", currently the tool support Short and Long trend lines.

You can see how it works on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9UxSMZemTw

Best regards,

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Mon 23 Jun, 2014, 01:47 
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SMARTFX wrote:
The LineSync is available in JStore and on smartfx.eu website as a free plugin. It is called "Charts synchronizer", currently the tool support Short and Long trend lines.

You can see how it works on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9UxSMZemTw

Best regards,

Thanks Smartfx!!! You made my day!! :D

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 1   New post Posted: Tue 24 Jun, 2014, 00:38 

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I would like the ability to have have multiple time frames of an indicator on one chart and if possible overlay on each other. For example. I may be looking at the daily chart but I want to see the RSI for the 4 hour, daily and weekly as 3 lines within a single indicator window. That way when I see all 3 line up I can take a trade

Right now I have to look at 3 charts on the screen or switch back and forth between chart times.

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Wed 25 Jun, 2014, 18:56 
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I really like the improvements to the Channel Lines. I think it would be a great addition if you allowed users to add lines within the Channel Lines. For example, I normally like to have three "internal" lines...

1. A Mid-line @ 50% between the two outer lines;
2. A line half-way between the mid-line and the top outside line (25% from the top); and
3. A line half-way between the mid-line and the bottom outside line (75% from the top).

I find these lines a great addition to my trading within Channel Lines.

It would be even better if these lines could be user defined as to color, dashed, stroke, be turned on/off individually and the distance set by the users on a percentage basis from the top... i.e. line 1 at 25%, line 2 @ 50% and line 3 @ 75%.

Thanks for your consideration.

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Sat 12 Jul, 2014, 16:32 
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Add a %Leveraged Net Asset Value option to default values for currencies. It would be great for all those who want to trade a fixed percent size of their available margin, instead of calculating and modifying units, k or millions after every trade.

 Post subject: Re: JForex4 Feature Requests Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Thu 15 Jan, 2015, 14:40 

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I'd like to ask if there will be a possibility to use hotkeys for drawing? Something like in Ninja trader. And also a great feature would be a GROUP TAB like in Agena Trader? This way I can have multiple time frames of the same pair in one tab.


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