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Complaint against Article Contest Dukascopy managers.
 Post subject: Complaint against Article Contest Dukascopy managers. Post rating: 0   New post Posted: Thu 20 Sep, 2012, 16:14 
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Joined: Mon 15 Aug, 2011, 11:37
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Location: SpainSpain
Hello everybody.

Im an user of the Dukascopy community and also a real account holder and professional trader.

I always have love this company and I recommend it to everyone of my friends that ask me for a trading platform.

I really think this company is very cool and professional.

But today something happend that told me that not everybody in this company is the same.

I received an email this morning announcing me that I had been disqualified from the Article Contest.

This was the message:

Your article (Follow the Smart Money Footprints) has been banned from the Dukascopy FX Article contest

The reasoning is as follows:
Copyright violation. https://adventureforex.blogspot.pt/2012/ ... ation.html The article should be created exclusively for the Dukascopy FX Article Contest by the same person who submits it for the Contest. Case if you want to use these materials somewhere else, please contact us first.

I smiled to myself as that domain is one that I own. So there is no Copyright violation.

Then I thought there was a rule that doesnt allow to publicy your article in blogs... but there isnt...

I answered the email explaining this.

Here is the reply:


When you registered for the contest you have read and agreed to the rules. They clearly state that the article should be created exclusively for the contest. We are usually ok when users repost their article somewhere else if they ask about it. The only thing, the reference to the original article must be present and we only allow it when the contest period is over (not to confuse other users. There were a number of complaints on your article).

https://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/fx-arti ... ed_content

Hope this reply was helpful,

Contest support

Ok I reviewed all the rules again and again.

I never violated the cophyright of anyone. I created this article for Dukascopy Contest only. In my blog I only used 2 paragraphs of the article and put a link to the Dukascopy Contest.


So I sent this person another email with all the rules and why I didnt break any of those and trying to make him explain why im disqualified.

So he didnt bother on explaining anything to me:

Dear user,

we have already replied to your e-mail. Moreover, every time you submit an article, you agree with the following disclaimer:

"By accepting this disclaimer you express your agreement that the submitted materials as well as the disclosed personal data will be available publically. The content can be used without prior or anterior notice to the author, free of charge or royalties, and for an unlimited period of time. Dukascopy Group reserves the right to translate, recompile, edit, otherwise modify and use the submitted content or its parts in other compositions, leaving the mentioning of the author at the sole discretion of the Dukascopy Group. Participants waive and transfer to Dukascopy Group all rights related to the submitted content. Dukascopy Group does not assume responsibility for the integrity of the data and/or content submitted, and cannot guarantee that it will not be used by third parties."

This means that after pressing the "submit" button your copyright for the materials is transferred to us. We will keep this article unpublished but will not disqualify you from the contest.
Further on, should you want to use the materials submitted, please contact us.

Best regards,

Contest support

In this last letter he tries to justify the ban of my Article because that disclaimer.

Yeah Dukascopy has the rights over my Article.

So that is the all the reason? I uploaded a part of the Article to my blog.

A simple warning and I could have deleted that part from my blog.

I dont remember last time I was treated so unfairly. I didnt expect al all that from Dukascopy.

Basically he is saying that we dont disqualify you from the contest but we will not publish the Article.

I answer you Dukascopy from here.

If I broke some of you rules, Whay dont you disqualify me?
If I dont broke any rules why dont you publish my Article?

I was preparing a bunch of Articles following that first one, but I doubt I will do it now.

My Article was the most commented and know you liked it guys.

Want my Article published. I didnt break any rules. I didnt cheat / abuse any other contestant, but seems some of the contestant are the ones that thought my Article broke some other person copyright.

Maybe I can get my Article Published?

Support me If you agree.



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