Dukascoin ask price is above 1.5000

Source: Dukascopy Bank SA
During the first part of August, the asking price of Dukascoin was flat at 1.4900. However, by the end of the month, liquidity returned and the pair's asking price reached up to the 1.5200 level.

Meanwhile, the bid price has remained highly volatile, as it has been fluctuating between the 1.3500 and 1.5100 levels. However, during most of the time the price has been close by the 1.4300 level.

Asking price chart

Bid price chart

Market Depth
Market Depth reveals, where traders have set up buy and sell orders. The up to date data is published at dukascoin.com. Below, one can observe the market orders on September 8.

In regards to sell orders, most are located in the 1.5200/1.5500 range. Meanwhile, there are minor concentrations of ask orders at 1.6400, 1.7000 and 1.7500.

On the other hand, bids are noticeably spread out from 0.9300 up to 1.4300.

For comparison of the buy and sell orders a range of 20 cents is chosen as criteria. In the 1.5200/1.7200 range there are ask orders for 3,860.35 coins. Meanwhile, in the 1.2300/1.4300 zone there are bid orders for 2,150.18 coins.
© Dukascopy Bank SA

© Dukascopy Bank SA

Future outlook
In general, the slow grind of the rate upwards could stop at one point due to the fact that ask orders outnumber bid orders by 1,710.17 coins.

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