Instrument to be traded.List of instruments available in the drop-down list. This parameter is mandatory. |
Lot Amount - the Lot amount to be input in millions, This parameter is mandatory. Type Double. Example: 1 for 1'000'000.00 | 0.001 for 1'000.00 |
Slippage value. Allowed distance in Integers between the market price and the order command price when submitted. Minimum value 0. |
Stop Loss Integer - Number of Pips that determines the stop loss price. |
Take Profit Integer - Number of Pips that determines the stop loss price. |
Comment String - Text comment that can be written for further use. This is an optional parameter. |
Stop Loss Double - Price of the stop loss according to the traded instrument format. |
Take Profit Double - Price of the take profit according to the traded instrument format. |
Position- Output variable that can be used to indetify and save the position's information as an array of data. |
ONE Flow: Out of this exit the flow will go only once till the next event. |
SUBMIT OK - Out of this exit the order command is submitted successfully |
ORDER REJECTION -Out of this exit a rejection command is considered |
FILL OK - Out of this exit, a total/partial fill of the position is considered |
FILL REJECTION - out of this exit, a rejected fill is considered |