gururise wrote:
it seems ITesterClient must be a singleton, and that there can only be one.
That is the case. In fact the
javadoc for ClientFactory.getDefaultClient states "Returns default instance of Dukascopy IClient. Instance is created only once, each call will return the same instance".
gururise wrote:
Any suggestions?
You might consider running a separate process for each account. The steps could be the following:
1) Modify your code, which works with ITesterClient, such that it takes as arguments username and password.
2) Export your project to a jar file.
3) Make a bat file for each account which executes the jar file, for instance:
cd C:\temp
java -jar JforexMain.jar username1 password1
4) Make a bat file which executes in parallel account bat files, for instance:
start "account 1" "C:\temp\RunAccount1.bat"
start "account 2" "C:\temp\RunAccount2.bat"
5) Execute the bat file of 4).