Dukascopy Support Board

CORREL_2INSTRUMENTS doesn't fully render lines
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Author:  jjbb [ Mon 19 Aug, 2019, 17:04 ]
Post subject:  CORREL_2INSTRUMENTS doesn't fully render lines

(JForex 3.6.2, DEMO)

Please inspect screenshots below - it looks like indicator CORREL_2INSTRUMENTS doesn't work properly.
When I attach it, its graph lines do not render at all or render only partially.

It seems that most problematic are exotic pairs (USDHUF, USDSEK, USDCZK, ... but not only USD* pairs).
But this behavior can be replicated also on major pairs (USDCHF, ...).
It also seems that the lower the timeframe, the more frequent defective behavior.

Sometimes rendering works - only in case you scroll into the past (hold left mouse button down on the graph and drag mouse couple times right) and back, sometimes it doesn't or does only partially (partially = graph renders partially).
Sometimes it's Reload (icon with 2 circled arrows) that helps or helps partially... sometimes it isn't.

I'm not sure whether it's completely CORREL_2INSTRUMENTS fault, because as you can see, there's CORREL called on line 44 in CorrelTwoInstruments.java:
correl = context.getIndicatorsProvider().getIndicator("CORREL");

exotic_after_attaching.png - state after attaching indicator; "workarounds" didn't help
major_after_scroll_and_reload.png - state after "workarounds" have been applied; helped only partially


File comment: state after attaching indicator; "workarounds" didn't help
exotic_after_attaching.png [88.9 KiB]
Downloaded 196 times
File comment: state after "workarounds" have been applied; helped only partially
major_after_scroll_and_reload.png [110 KiB]
Downloaded 217 times

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