Dukascopy Support Board

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Author:  Guest [ Sat 26 Nov, 2011, 17:58 ]
Post subject:  Suspicious

Top ranked article writer's article view scenario like this ...

Name------------------------ View 24/11/11-------------view 26/11/11 american time 11.30

Ajer---------------------------------2500----------------------- 7500---- increase = 5000 in 48 h day
Ritesh--------------------------------400------------------------2900 -----increase= 2500 in 24our hour
speculatorbd-------------------------3100-----------------------3900 ------increase = 800 in 48 hour
Adask--------------------------------900------------------------2900------- increase = 2000 in 48 hour

How ??? I guess any unfair means..

Author:  Contest Support [ Mon 28 Nov, 2011, 15:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

Guest wrote:
Top ranked article writer's article view scenario like this ...

Name------------------------ View 24/11/11-------------view 26/11/11 american time 11.30

Ajer---------------------------------2500----------------------- 7500---- increase = 5000 in 48 h day
Ritesh--------------------------------400------------------------2900 -----increase= 2500 in 24our hour
speculatorbd-------------------------3100-----------------------3900 ------increase = 800 in 48 hour
Adask--------------------------------900------------------------2900------- increase = 2000 in 48 hour

How ??? I guess any unfair means..


we have looked into view statistics and found some violations. The cheaters will not find themselves in top10 and thus will not be awarded.

Author:  Guest [ Wed 30 Nov, 2011, 02:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

Omg... A Definitely manipulation of Results.... This contest seems to be a battle for quantity rather than quality.....If I would be the one to judge this Novemeber Result I would remove all these fancy views and would judge based on the quality of article.....Really disappointed on how people could easily manipulate their rankings...... 22,000+ views f*** cheater..

Author:  Guest [ Wed 30 Nov, 2011, 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

Guest wrote:
Omg... A Definitely manipulation of Results.... This contest seems to be a battle for quantity rather than quality.....If I would be the one to judge this November Result I would remove all these fancy views and would judge based on the quality of article.....Really disappointed on how people could easily manipulate their rankings...... 22,000+ views f*** cheater..

I think dukascopy can rank this participation totally on quality of articles and effort given ( number of articles, uniqueness etc ) for november . Please delete view statistic and popularity. . Banning them might be harmful at the last stage. this will be ok for next month.
I say this because some participant might do it unwillingly and they do not know the rules. Here i see a lot of new participant. if only they drop out even if the article is good then he/she might be disappointed and might not participate later. we need participants for these competition as well. these competition is not becoming popular and if so many disputes continues i guess it will be never be popular.

already participants starting becoming less due to dukascopy decision of prize cut, change of term from participant of ACTIVE PARTICIPANT etc. we do not want any more disputes .

i think dukascopy can reduce the weight of views + popularity = 100 combined = ( 25 % each factor) and dukascopy evaluation 200 . in this way weight of popuraity will be 33 % and quality = 66% . a more quality approach.

Author:  my_name_is_guest [ Thu 01 Dec, 2011, 03:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

The Ritesh guy raises his views like crazy :lol:
"Recipe for my success" LOL he is very bad on the trading contest...

Author:  my_name_is_guest [ Thu 01 Dec, 2011, 03:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

Ritesh has 16k+ view for one article, how does that sound :lol:
But this time, he manages to face someone even better than him :lol:

Author:  Contest Support [ Thu 01 Dec, 2011, 10:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

Dear contest Participants,

reacting to recent rating tempering attempts and your suggestions on our forum, we have decided to slightly amend the rating calculation algorithm.

Starting with December, the views will have less weight on the rating, thus minimizing the incentive to abuse such marketing means like adverts, link exchange networks and so on. In particular, the popularity rating will have weights of 20%, 40% and 40% to profile views, comments and rates respectfully.

The other measure we are taking is dividing users to registered to the DFC and not registered. 10 visitors not logged in to the community will have the same effect on the rank as just 1 registered user.

These measures are meant to minimize the effect that visitors have on user's rating to make participants care more about writing nice articles and discussing their views on FX topics rather than web marketing of their works.

Wishing you best of luck in December,

Your Support team.

Author:  adask [ Thu 01 Dec, 2011, 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

I think Dukascopy did a really great thing changing the rules like described. Especially I like the part with visitors weight. So Visits from Dukascopy Community will have 10 time bigger weight. This is very good and fair. Now maybe the best articles will win.

Author:  Guest [ Sat 03 Dec, 2011, 16:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

So once again Ritesh is already is far ahead (i'm not 100% on the new system) but Does that mean he's basically has 1500 non dukascopy people views for his 150 views on the leader board?

And just one more thing, Will the top 4 from Nov competition going to be disqualified as they have obviously cheated?

Author:  trezx [ Mon 05 Dec, 2011, 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

Guest wrote:
So once again Ritesh is already is far ahead (i'm not 100% on the new system) but Does that mean he's basically has 1500 non dukascopy people views for his 150 views on the leader board?

it means he has just 150 views but weigh 10 times less than before

Author:  Quant-Trader [ Tue 06 Dec, 2011, 00:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suspicious

@Contest Support

You can still add/join video contest/media + article contest as one... maybe can be more interest.. and more contest useres..
When you cuted prize to 25% of main all look very poor to write anything realy good..

I was once of winer in first stage but to much bugs in system etc.. and very funny comment (not enought comments on my blog when system was broken what I writed to support). I hope now it's beter.. but this work as demotivator.

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