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Where do swap rates come from?
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Author:  mtnfx [ Wed 07 Mar, 2018, 19:04 ]
Post subject:  Where do swap rates come from?


i'm not sure if anyone here is tracking changes in overnight swap rates. I do. And I noticed that today swap rates across all currencies have changed significantly.

For example swap per 1MLN BUY of EUR/CHF
was - around $+110 (from my memory)
now - $+1.3 - it is 85 times lower

Most other pairs I look after got 25-50% change in swap rates.

In my understanding swaps come from difference of currency's central bank interest rates - therefore swaps should change when one of the central banks in currency pair changes its interest rate.
But as far as I see it from practice - swap rates change more frequently and because of some other unknown reasons.
Such significant changes as I see today significantly affects approach to trading and I'd like to better understand what I can expect in future.

Can someone explain where swap rates (here) come from?

Note: there were no changes in Central Bank rates nor for EUR nor for CHF since 2016

Author:  Jester [ Mon 07 May, 2018, 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do swap rates come from?

Your understanding is very limited. Swap rates are determined by numerous factors, basically originated from the so called money market. Supply/Demand fluctuations on this huge market which is bigger than spot forex could be followed by changing of swap rates without shifts of major CB rates.

Author:  mtnfx [ Tue 08 May, 2018, 21:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do swap rates come from?

Jester wrote:
Your understanding is very limited
Yes, exactly :(

Jester wrote:
Swap rates are determined by numerous factors, basically originated from the so called money market
May you have a link with description of these "numerous factors"? I failed to google right resources on my own.

Author:  JudgeDredd [ Tue 26 Jun, 2018, 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do swap rates come from?

You can start Your deep dive in dark waters of global finance from here https://www.investopedia.com/university/moneymarket/

Author:  mtnfx [ Mon 06 Aug, 2018, 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do swap rates come from?

Can someone explain where these SWAPs numbers for AUD/JPY come from? Is it bug or is real?


AUDJPY.png [77.38 KiB]
Downloaded 1963 times

Author:  JudgeDredd [ Sun 12 Aug, 2018, 23:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Where do swap rates come from?

Apaprently it was a bug. Currently there are the following figures in that widget for the position of 1 mio:

AUD/JPY 0.35 -0.48 31.50 -43.79

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