Dukascopy Support Board

JFOREX-1544 Tester messages in separate Tab
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Author:  [brainstom] [ Thu 06 May, 2010, 17:21 ]
Post subject:  JFOREX-1544 Tester messages in separate Tab

My JForex client updated and I see that the separate tab with the tester messages is gone. Instead, the messages now are in the same tab as the tester controls, below them.

This is a big waste of screen-estate, because once a test is started, the whole upper part (the tester parameters and settings) is grayed out and frozen. So it's pretty much useless and sitting there wasting space. The previous JForex client release had the start/pause buttons along the tester messages output, which was great, only thing missing there was the tester progress bar.

I would suggest to go back to the previous scheme, and add the progress bar to the tester messages Tab.

Thanks !

Author:  API Support [ Thu 06 May, 2010, 19:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: tester messages in separate Tab WAS great idea

Please take a look at the following conversation: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4284

As well the Tester control section will be redesigned in a next build.

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