Dukascopy Support Board

Java error when starting jforex_3.jnlp
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Author:  burton [ Sat 10 Feb, 2018, 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Java error when starting jforex_3.jnlp

When I start jforex_3.jnlp and after it downloads from https://platform.dukascopy.com, I get the following error message:

class com.dukascopy.dds2.greed.util.a.b (in unnamed module @0x4b4ac278) cannot access class sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export sun.security.action to unnamed module @0x4b4ac278

What does this mean and how can I able the application to launch in Win10? Is this some kind of Java setting allowance needed?

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