Dukascopy Support Board

Lost All Reputation Points
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Author:  bigsteely101 [ Mon 04 Mar, 2013, 09:01 ]
Post subject:  Lost All Reputation Points

Hello Support,

Please help. Over the weekend I was placing comments regarding traders/contestants successful trades. On or about the 5th comment, I received a message stating that my account had been blocked until today. Can you please explain to me why that had happened?

Additionally, when I logged into my account today I noticed that all my reputation points had been deleted. Can you please help to rectify this technical issue?

Thank you, Bigsteely101

Author:  alexandreb [ Mon 04 Mar, 2013, 12:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lost All Reputation Points

Hello ,

This is not a technical , your account had been blocked because too much copy copy/paste comments is considered as a spam.
additionnaly , as a spammer, you lost all your reputation points .

To avoid this , do not copy /paste the same comment .Try to write unique comment per trade /user you want to comment .

Author:  bigsteely101 [ Tue 05 Mar, 2013, 11:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lost All Reputation Points

Thanks for the info. Makes sense I suppose; no one enjoys receiving the typical spamming that we became accustomed to! I only wish I knew about this new rule before losing 100+ reputation points. A warning could have solved the problem and would have been greatly appreciated! Unfortunately, I have to learn by my mistake. Now to work at gaining reputation points.

Author:  bobjackson [ Tue 12 Mar, 2013, 09:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lost All Reputation Points

You should be very precise in your content while commenting. The copy pasting thing can destroy your reputation.
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