Dukascopy Support Board

Idea for a new Contest that targets aspiring Professionals
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Author:  Frank_ [ Fri 26 Oct, 2018, 12:02 ]
Post subject:  Idea for a new Contest that targets aspiring Professionals

I added my feedback and comment about new LIVE contest to Dukascopy Team request and I suggest an idea for a contest that could lure aspiring professionals.

I used pdf document for a fast formatting.

Best regards,

Idea for a new Contest that targets aspiring Professionals.pdf [52.9 KiB]
Downloaded 1515 times

Author:  powerof618 [ Sun 08 Dec, 2019, 20:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a new Contest that targets aspiring Professionals

Hello Frank,

I like your idea. I would be very interested in such a contest, where the maximum Drawdown is taken into account. With this component, the contest would be much more professional. I hope the Dukascopy Team develops something in this direction.

Best regards and happy trading.

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