Dukascopy Support Board

Problem with downloading quotes online
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Author:  Serhio [ Mon 05 Aug, 2019, 07:46 ]
Post subject:  Problem with downloading quotes online


Please look at the first picture. It is made when the terminal was working online. And then look at the second picture and compare the prices of bars 1 and 2.
The second picture was made when I manually reload the chart.


Same bars after manually reload the chart whith another price values.


The second picture shows that the closing price and the low priсe of the bar 1 are lower than at the first pucture. The same problem with the bar 2.

This is a big problem because:
1) when the terminal is working online, I may not see the real prices of bars and because of this, incorrect trading decisions may be made.
2) the triggering of orders may not occur correctly.

Could you solve this problem?

2.PNG [25.54 KiB]
Downloaded 487 times

Author:  Platform Support [ Tue 20 Aug, 2019, 09:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem with downloading quotes online

This is a problem each and every trading software is facing. The amount of the price updates might be very huge (especially during the news time) and the platform might skip some of them in order to avoid the price delay. Since the current candle gets formed from the incoming price updates (ticks), they might differ.

    Subscribe for the instruments needed only
    Enable "Preferences/Advanced/Advanced settings/Process all ticks to avoid missing price history"

Note that this settming does not guarantee that all the ticks will be received. They might be skipped on the server side as well, if the server sees that the unprocessed amount of ticks is increasing on your platform side.

Author:  Serhio [ Mon 02 Sep, 2019, 14:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem with downloading quotes online

And what about the pictures below. This is the same problem?



pic3.PNG [45.35 KiB]
Downloaded 427 times
pic2.PNG [48.23 KiB]
Downloaded 449 times

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