Dukascopy Support Board

Lot size by risk
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Author:  jlno [ Thu 14 Mar, 2019, 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Lot size by risk

How to calculate lot size by risk, checking min and max lot available to symbol?

Author:  fprophet [ Thu 02 May, 2019, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lot size by risk

I use this to calculate amount to trade, where EPC_lever = percentage Equity to leverage, & with a Fixed_Amount override

double amount = 0.001;
if (Fixed_Amount > 0) {amount = Fixed_Amount;}
if (EPC_lever > 0) {amount = (account.getEquity() / oneMill) * EPC_lever;}
if (amount < minAmt) amount = minAmt;
if (amount > maxAmt) amount = maxAmt;
// millions to trade in Base (Primary) currency
amount = new BigDecimal(amount).setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();

But if you want to calculate the % of your Equity to Risk then that's a different story ... what would you base that on?

Author:  Platform Support [ Wed 08 May, 2019, 09:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lot size by risk

BTW, there is a user interface added since the version 3.5.9 for this. We call it Amount calculator and it is available next to the amount spinner.

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