Dukascopy Support Board

fractal indicator return empty array
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Author:  fxdiler [ Mon 19 May, 2014, 16:09 ]
Post subject:  fractal indicator return empty array


There is a code
double[][] fractals = indicators.fractal(instrument, period, OfferSide.BID, barsOnSides, Filter.WEEKENDS,
                    100, bar.getTime() - (barsOnSides - 1) * period.getInterval(), 0);
console.getOut().format("length=%d  0th=%s", fractals[0].length, Arrays.toString(fractals[0])).println();
console.getOut().format("length=%d  1th=%s", fractals[1].length, Arrays.toString(fractals[1])).println();

When period is 4 hours and barsOnSides = 5 strategy output is
length=10  1th=[NaN, 1.36484, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]
length=10  0th=[NaN, 1.37322, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]

But when period is 4 hours and barsOnSides = 6 or more strategy output is
length=0  1th=[]
length=0  0th=[]

Is there a bug in fractal indicator?

FractalEmptyResult.java [1.75 KiB]
Downloaded 94 times

Author:  fxdiler [ Mon 19 May, 2014, 18:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: fractal indicator return empty array

I solve the problem.
The problem code was
IBar bar = history.getBar(instrument, period, OfferSide.BID, 1);

It ignores the flat filtering on weekends.

The topic can be closed.

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