Dukascopy Support Board

ConnectException on webstart on mac OSX
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Author:  cnt64 [ Tue 15 Apr, 2014, 13:23 ]
Post subject:  ConnectException on webstart on mac OSX

Dear support,

I updated on OSX from java 6 to java 7 and when trying to login to my demo or live account for jforex the login hangs on 'authenticating' (no login error!). On the java console I get the following exceptions:

15.04.2014 14:09:45.737 INFO greed.GreedClient ] ClassLoader fix applied
15.04.2014 14:09:56.515 INFO connections.ConnectAction ] Authenticating...
15.04.2014 14:09:56.965 INFO connect.c ] Selecting the best server...
15.04.2014 14:09:57.532 SEVERE connect.bp ] Ping to [d-ja-gva-101-133-167.dukascopy.com/] failed: Connection refused
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.finishConnect(SocketChannelImpl.java:739)
at com.dukascopy.api.impl.connect.bp$a.bD(Unknown Source)
at com.dukascopy.api.impl.connect.bp$a.run(Unknown Source)
15.04.2014 14:09:57.533 SEVERE connect.bp ] Ping to [d-ja-gva-101-133-167.dukascopy.com/] failed: Connection refused
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.finishConnect(SocketChannelImpl.java:739)
at com.dukascopy.api.impl.connect.bp$a.bD(Unknown Source)
at com.dukascopy.api.impl.connect.bp$a.run(Unknown Source)
15.04.2014 14:09:57.535 SEVERE connect.bp ] Ping to [d-ja-jpn-04-b.dukascopy.com/] failed: Connection refused
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.checkConnect(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.finishConnect(SocketChannelImpl.java:739)
at com.dukascopy.api.impl.connect.bp$a.bD(Unknown Source)
at com.dukascopy.api.impl.connect.bp$a.run(Unknown Source)
15.04.2014 14:09:57.536 SEVERE connect.bp ] Ping to [d-ja-sgn-04-a.dukascopy.com/] failed: Connection refused

a couple of seconds I get

15.04.2014 14:10:00.547 INFO config.GreedProperties ] Requesting the account settings...
15.04.2014 14:10:00.548 INFO connect.c ] retry count = 1, properties request time = 2014-04-15 14:10:00
15.04.2014 14:10:01.043 INFO connect.c ] retry count = 1, properties response time = 2014-04-15 14:10:01
15.04.2014 14:10:01.318 INFO settings.d ] Workspace settings successfully loaded from file: /Users/alex/JForex/Workspaces/DEMO/2DA9A66895294737E81307F46B5594331284536F/Workspace.xml
15.04.2014 14:10:02.759 WARNING l10n.LocalizationManager ] Can't find resource for bundle com.dukascopy.dds2.greed.gui.l10n.a.a, key JForex Mode
15.04.2014 14:10:02.761 WARNING l10n.LocalizationManager ] Can't find resource for bundle com.dukascopy.dds2.greed.gui.l10n.a.a, key JForex Mode
15.04.2014 14:10:02.817 INFO component.e ] Start Platform Clock
15.04.2014 14:10:03.319 INFO impl.JDK14LoggerAdapter ] Connecting...
15.04.2014 14:10:03.327 INFO actions.PlatformInitAction ] API Connecting - 2014-04-15 14:10:03
15.04.2014 14:10:04.529 WARNING connection.a ] DISCONNECTED : [CONNECTION_PROBLEM]
15.04.2014 14:10:04.530 INFO connection.a ] Sleeping for reconnect : 0
15.04.2014 14:10:04.530 WARNING connection.a ] CONNECTING attempt # 1
15.04.2014 14:10:04.532 INFO connection.a ] Disconnected.
15.04.2014 14:10:05.737 WARNING connection.a ] DISCONNECTED : [CONNECTION_PROBLEM]
15.04.2014 14:10:05.737 INFO connection.a ] Sleeping for reconnect : 1
15.04.2014 14:10:06.739 WARNING connection.a ] CONNECTING attempt # 2
15.04.2014 14:10:06.739 INFO connection.a ] Reconnecting...
15.04.2014 14:10:07.855 WARNING connection.a ] DISCONNECTED : [CONNECTION_PROBLEM]
15.04.2014 14:10:07.856 INFO connection.a ] Reconnecting...
15.04.2014 14:10:12.857 WARNING connection.a ] AUTO RECONNECTING attempt # [3]
15.04.2014 14:10:22.776 SEVERE connect.c ] Connection reset
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset ....

Do you have any clues what's going wrong? If I try to do the login on my windows system (I am using Parallels on the mac) with the same login data it works. So, I suppose it's connected with java 7 and Mavericks but cannot find out what the problem is.

Many thanks in advance!

Author:  API Support [ Tue 15 Apr, 2014, 14:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: ConnectException on webstart on mac OSX

Do you run the program from an IDE? In that case you can configure the project to use Java 1.6 and relaunch the program, to make sure that it actually is because of the java version change.

Author:  cnt64 [ Tue 15 Apr, 2014, 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: ConnectException on webstart on mac OSX

Many thanks for the prompt reply!
No, I don't start it within an IDE. This is a login problem. I cannot login to JForex Demo, or JForex Live. It works however from my home office and from the place I did try the login. So it is obviously connected with network configurations!
So, it is no problem of Jforex and this issue can be closed!

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