Dukascopy Support Board

Block flow identification during run
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Author:  m1nich [ Mon 11 Jul, 2016, 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Block flow identification during run

Hi, I like the illuminated borders around the blocks showing which blocks are activated after the onStart signal. But they illuminate for too short a time. It would be really useful if the blocks stayed illuminated for the duration of the candle period, or at least much longer than the brief time the currently do.

Author:  amine_chourou [ Tue 12 Jul, 2016, 08:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Block flow identification during run


The blocks are illuminated when the system goes through the conditions as you well understood, if we consider working on candle start, the blocks will be red illuminated at the start of a new candle . In other words, the illumination stays for one tick. Same for Trade event where the method is executed every time a message is received.

Thanks !

Author:  m1nich [ Tue 12 Jul, 2016, 09:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Block flow identification during run

Thanks - just so I'm completely sure, for candle start, it's not possible (or maybe not practical) to keep the affected blocks illuminated for the candle duration. Blocks can only be illuminated for one tick and it is not possible to keep them illuminated for longer.

Author:  amine_chourou [ Tue 12 Jul, 2016, 10:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Block flow identification during run

That's correct, otherwise you'll have a set of blocks illuminated permanently and the blocks not reached yet not colored.

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