Dukascopy Support Board

Chart "Drawing Lines"?
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Author:  Bebbspoke [ Tue 25 Jul, 2017, 08:51 ]
Post subject:  Chart "Drawing Lines"?

Hi Peoples; -

Please; - drawing (say) a horizontal S/R line - I find two problems...

1/ It is not necessarily horizontal; - I appreciate the draw facility should also be able to procure trend lines at user gradients but to have user select (default) horizontal or trend would be most helpful.

2/ ... having drawn the horizontal - one does not appear to be able to simply reposition it? -
surely such should be a simple click-hold-drag-release? (as available on other Java based charting packs, e.g. FSC)...
I have tried the "standard" L or R click with Ctrl & or Alt to no avail.

The Dukas JForex3 desktop does have some very advanced and impressive features -
but I'm quite suprised to find it lacking in certain basic standard requirements?...
I trust the development personnel will rapidly address such issues, thank you.

[b]UPDATE[/b] - the undetailed "trick" is to double click the drawn line - it then becomes user dockable...
better solution is to use the "Price Marker" button... here you can be certain that the line you draw is horizontal

Sincerely, Bebbspoke

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