Dukascopy Support Board

Force Auto Shift Mode in JForex Charting
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Author:  hyperscalper [ Thu 08 Nov, 2012, 17:28 ]
Post subject:  Force Auto Shift Mode in JForex Charting

JForex platform request.
The button "Set Chart Auto Shift" is something I constantly have to check in Live trading.

Could you give some consideration to a setting in Preferences which would periodically set the Auto Shift state automatically? If the new checkbox is created in Chart Preferences, then All Charts could be set to revert to Auto Shift mode on the JForex platform automatically.

This could be done after a reasonable pause, like maybe every 30 seconds or so... just re-enable the Auto Shift mode for all charts, if the option is enabled.

I am constantly constantly having to make sure that Auto Shift mode has not been disabled. If I drag some chart area (even accidentally) then Auto Shift switches off, and it is not obvious that it is disabled..... So my chart could be plotting off the screen to the right, and I don't see at a glance that this is happening.

Especially when the chart is Unlocked "Free/Locked Mode" button, I believe that should not automatically disable Auto Shift mode.

Please give some design consideration to an option which would Force Auto Shift mode on for charts, by some option in the Chart Preferences dialog area.

Thanks very much !!

Author:  hyperscalper [ Thu 08 Nov, 2012, 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Force Auto Shift Mode in JForex Charting

Also, the state of the "Auto Shift" is somewhat difficult to see visually. The Auto Shift button icon image does not change from one state to the other. It just changes its "greyed out" state, but not its visual image.

The Lock vs Unlock icons do show a clear difference with the "padlock" image showing locked or unlocked. But the Auto Shift seems just to change from "grayed out" (which means ON) to visible (which means OFF). This is difficult to see at a glance. It is also somewhat counter-intuitive that "greyed out" means ENABLED. An image change to make this more obvious would be helpful.

When a chart is dragged, even slightly, then Auto Shift switches off. In the Locked mode, the chart contents do not plot beyond the right margin of the chart area. If the chart happens to be dragged to the right, beyond the right margin, then it remains plotting off-screen.

The proposed change would automatically revert back to Auto Shift mode so the chart would not plot beyond the right margin, and go unnoticed.

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