
Yonggi7 uploaded new photo

Yonggi7 created new gallery


10 2月

Yonggi7 uploaded new photo

Yonggi7 created new gallery


10 2月

Yonggi7 uploaded new photo

Yonggi7 created new gallery


10 2月

Yonggi7 uploaded new photo

Yonggi7 created new gallery


10 2月

Yonggi7 uploaded new photo

Yonggi7 created new gallery


10 2月

Yonggi7 uploaded new photo

Yonggi7 created new gallery


10 2月

Yonggi7 wrote a comment to the post LIVE Contest registration instruction

Shall I pay real money to participate in the contest if I don't have money in my live account in Dukascopy?
14 6月

Yonggi7 liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Daryalebedeva created new gallery to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Miss Dukascopy

1 12月

Yonggi7 liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Alvinka created new gallery to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Miss Dukascopy

23 6月

Yonggi7 liked a photo to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

allaaa21 created new gallery to the album Miss Dukascopy Contest

Miss Dukascopy

23 6月