Dukascopy Bank Crypto

First ever crypto (Airdrop) by a Swiss Bank

On February, 28 2019 Dukascopy Bank has officially launched its crypto token called Dukascoin (DUK+). It is the first payment coin issued for public usage by a licensed and regulated Swiss bank.

Primarily designed as a crypto means of payment, the Dukascoin will be issued in limited quantity to serve both payment and speculation purposes. The limited supply of the crypto token paired with the fact that it is the first crypto currency offered by a Swiss Bank are amongst the important factors contributing to the expected gain in value of the Dukascoin.

What does it offer to Dukascopy Bank's clients?

Dukascoin holders have the opportunity gain extra income and take advantages of being DUK+ owners by applying for the following exclusive offers available for Dukascopy Bank clients:

  1. Coin reward for 1-year fixed term deposits in Dukascoins. The Coin Deposit reward rate depends on size of the deposit and can reach up to 100% (more info).
  2. EUR reward for 1-year fixed term deposits in Dukascoins. Within the exclusive promotional offer in force during the first months after the launch of the Dukascoin project the EUR Deposit reward rate is expected to be EUR 0.5 for each Dukascoin placed (more info).
  3. "Fat Catz" — special EUR reward program for the largest DUK+ coin holders. Reward is formed from the 1% commission Dukascopy Bank collects from each transaction where Dukascoins are exchanged to EUR at the internal marketplace. Once a month all this commission income is distributed proportionately between Fat Catz reward program participants (more info).

Dukascoin historical price

How to get Dukascoins?

Every client can get up to 5 Dukascoins for free by opening an MCA account or to buy the desirable amount of Dukascoins on the internal marketplace. Furthermore, Dukascoins can be withdrawn from the Bank to client's external Ethereum-based blockchain wallet with ERC20 token support. Transfers of Dukascoins between MCA accounts are commission-free.

If you are a Live client of Dukascopy Bank and don't have an MCA account yet, you can apply for it directly from your trading account's reporting area by finding the "Accounts" section under "Account" menu tab and get your free 5 Dukascoins once the account is open.

If you are just browsing through our website and interested in an MCA account opening, please visit the dedicated website to take closer look on the service features & conditions, open an MCA account and get 5 Dukascoins for free.

We invite you to take a look at the DUK+ coins marketplace below and familiarize with the unique opportunities offered at the initial stage of the project. Feel free to check the dedicated website to learn more about the Dukascoin project. You will find there all the latest news, features, dates as well as the project's white paper.

Dukascoin Marketplace

Dukascoin term stake with Coin or EUR reward can also be referred to as Dukascoin staking income generation program with Coin or EUR reward. This program is to be seen in the context of Proof-of-Stake concept, commonly used in crypto industry. In the framework of this offer, the Bank promises to its clients a certain remuneration (reward) in form of crypto tokens or in fiat currency, which is made against the commitment of the client not to use the agreed upon amount of Dukascoin (DUK+) tokens in his/her possession for any purposes during a definite period of time.

The temporary refusal to use the agreed upon DUK+ amount is ensured by its placement on any dedicated wallet/account that is transparent for the bank at any moment of time. This can be done on an account at the Bank, on an independent blockchain wallet of the client or on a blockchain wallet managed by a 3rd party transparent for the Bank monitoring. The remuneration in Coins or EUR is paid at the end of the staking period in the amount defined in advance.

No financial relation within which the Bank is exploiting the DUK+ amount staked by the client is created during the term of the stake. The exclusive purpose of the relation is the establishment of the necessary transparency mode (right of monitoring for the Bank) of the client's commitment not to move the agreed-upon amount of DUK+ tokens from the account/wallet where the stake is placed.

The right of ownership and for any other kinds of use of the token remains with the client for the entire term of the stake. This also means that the client retains the possibility to use the amount at stake at any moment of time before the maturity of the stake by paying a penalty for premature discontinuation of the stake.

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