Dukascopy Support Board

Points popularity
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Author:  randeks [ Mon 24 Jun, 2013, 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Points popularity

Accidentally closed a theme
I'm not saying that these people moshenniki.Ya propose to do so if flew out of the top 100,
then you will clean glasses popularity, if re-entered the top 100, Points popularity restored

Author:  alltrade [ Mon 24 Jun, 2013, 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Points popularity

Sorry but what you have written is totally incomprehensible to me........

Look, I think the purpose of popularity-points is to encourage traders to interact with each other because Dukascopy wants to build a vibrant forex community; I think Dukascopy-support has mentioned it somewhere in one of the stickies. So obviously, those traders that do interact with other traders are going to get more popularity-points & those who don't interact much aren't going to get them, it has nothing to do with performance, so there's no "cheating" in that case.

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